There is truly nothing solo about a solo swim. Jamie is incredibly blessed to have a group of people around him who support him in his endurance pursuits. It is difficult to describe how important their role as a group is, but also as individuals. Each of them brings something unique, but equally important, to the ultimate success of Jamie’s extreme adventures. Most have been alongside Jamie since the start of his endurance pursuits. The crew is made up of incredible people who have amazing skill sets of their own. They have helped Jamie through times where he didn’t believe he could take another stroke. Their backgrounds and expertise range from areas such as physical therapy, sports psychology, emergency medical response, sales management, social media marketing, teaching, accounting and website programming, to fellow marathon swimmer, professional triathlete, librarian, practicing buddhist and author. What brings all of these people from such diverse backgrounds together is a shared passion for wanting to help and support Jamie in accomplishing his goals. Without them, these extreme adventures could not be a reality. They are his friends, his family and most of all his fuel to push forward. Their team motto has been, and will continue to be - "Live The Adventure Together."