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24°36'57 N  76°08"49 W to 25°27"30 N 76° 43" 58 W

The Long Swim was born after months of planning and research.  Together with my father we studied the globe to find an ideal spot to attempt my next swim.  We researched tides, currents and historical data to come up with what we believe is an ideal spot for an open ocean swim of this magnitude.  From the Pacific Coast of California, the Islands of Hawaii to routes in the Mediterranean, we determined that the waters off the magical island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas would be the ideal location to plan and attempt my next swim.


Many factors were taken into account to devise the route.  First and foremost was that it could be replicated in the future by other swimmers. This is important as I will be attempting to go one mile farther than the current longest ratified Marathon swim (CHLOE McCARDEL). To create a route that can be considered the longest measurable distance is important, because when calculating the distance it must be measured by the shortest straight line route.  If there are obstructions such as a land mass, the closest navigable course must be used.  When measuring a marathon swim it is not the distance swam but the straightest route from start to finish.



With that being said, I truly feel this will be my most  EPIC adventure yet, a true TEST of my will.   Looking ahead at 78 miles and more than 40 hours of swimming I am both nervous amd excited.  Nervous because I am bit of a maverick in the open water swimming world and have often done things "against the grain", but so excited that I will be doing something that scares the heck out of me but that I truly feel I can accomplish!   For THE LONG SWIM, against the grain is not an option.  I will follow the set of rules outlined by the marathon swimming community (Marathon Swimmers Federation). These rules are based on Matthew Webb's first crossing of the English Channel in 1873.  The magnitude of this swim reaches beyond a personal achievement - this will ultimately set the mark for Living Life At Water Level.


The sport of marathon swimming is one of the most pure tests of mind, body and spirit.  It requires extreme physical and mental strength as the swimmer tackles obstacles in the foreign environment of water - some expected (but no less difficult), and many that are unforeseen.  The athlete is alone for the majority of the swim, accompanied only by a few support people.  It is usually a very private journey between the swimmer and his or her crew.  It is rarely, if ever, a spectator sport.  A key element in a swim of this magnitude, is having an "official observer" who is completely impartial and independent of the crew.  Their role is to verify that the swimmer has legitimately completed the swim according to the pre-established set of rules.    During my entire swim, there will be an independent observer documenting my journey.

For more information on Marathon Swimming - Click Here

The Marathon Swimmers Forum is a place for and by marathon swimmers (and aspiring marathon swimmers!) - to foster community among those who seek to conquer the world's great bodies of water with merely a textile swimsuit, cap, and goggles. 

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